Get Your Breakthrough!!
It's Always a blessing to be in the process of publishing a new release. It is just as much of a blessing to work on something that will bless the lives of many. This morning God placed it in my spirit to write a few prayers for this book. In the next month or so, I plan on sharing with my viewers at least three of the prayers in the book. Today I want you all to take a look at one of the prayers titled, "Lord I Want to be Whole". This prayer is for the person that has made mistakes in their life and want change.
Lord I Want to be Whole
Father I come to you humbly as I know how. I've made mistakes in my life that have caused me hurt myself and others. I am sorry and repent of my sins. I want to be the person that I know you have called me to be. I've tried changing in the past but found it a struggle. Deep down, I know that I am not the person that i've become. Help me to fulfill my purpose. Help me to believe in myself. I know that there is more to me than this. Lord God touch my mind and give me the strength to not look back. I want to move forward to new things. I want to make something out of my life. Father move those people out of my life that mean me no good. Save me oh Lord from the hands of the enemy. I believe that your son is Jesus Christ and that he died for our sins. Create in me a clean heart. Open up my eyes that I will see the truth. Help me to live a life that is Holy and acceptable in the sight of you.
I want to be free! Amen!
God Will Give us the Power to Tear Down Strongholds in our Life but we Must Believe. We can not Doubt or Give up!
How to Pull Down Strongholds
For the Weapons of our Warfare are not Carnal but, Mighty Through God to the Pulling Down Strongholds in our life.
II Corinthians 10:4 KJV
We can only pull down strongholds in our life through God. Many are trying to do this on their own. Sometimes we get ourselves in situations but must come to the reality that God will give us the strength to bring us out. Pray each day for deliverance and healing. Pray over your mind (each day) that God will give you the strength to change.
A Bible Verse About Prayer
Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have have them.
Mark 11:24 KJV
A Prayer for Strength
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13 KJV
That Prayer Was Inspired by my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
God Will Give us the Power to Tear Down Strongholds in our Life but we Must Believe. We can not Doubt or Give up!
How to Pull Down Strongholds
For the Weapons of our Warfare are not Carnal but, Mighty Through God to the Pulling Down Strongholds in our life.
II Corinthians 10:4 KJV
We can only pull down strongholds in our life through God. Many are trying to do this on their own. Sometimes we get ourselves in situations but must come to the reality that God will give us the strength to bring us out. Pray each day for deliverance and healing. Pray over your mind (each day) that God will give you the strength to change.
A Bible Verse About Prayer
Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have have them.
Mark 11:24 KJV
A Prayer for Strength
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
Philippians 4:13 KJV
That Prayer Was Inspired by my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ.
The Prayers That I Write for This Book are Indeed Inspired by Real life Issues That I've Experienced.
One way to reach God's people is to be a person that people can relate to!!
I plan on doing a prayer book specifically for men. I have two Women's Ministries but I would never forget the men. So men if you would like to be a part of a prayer book by writing a prayer please let me know.
Women that want to contribute to this prayer book please fill out this form . The publishing fee is very very minimal. I just want this to be a blessing to God's people.
My Email Addresses:
My Facebook URL
Feel Free to Join my Prayer Groups
Chain Breaking Ministries Intercessory Prayer Group
Diamond Dolls Prayer Network
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